Hi! My Name is Juliett, I’m 29 years old. I consider myself charismatic, workaholic, hilarious, geeky, with a little bit of spice in me, haha.
I love sweets, sports, music, movies, social gatherings, and hitting the gym every day; there is nothing like an energy boost to start your day! I also like playing video games and I’m a big fan of eSports, with my boyfriend we follow a couple of good players.
I’ve been performing on an IT role for the past 5 years. My love for technology started when I was 8 years old, my father taught me how to assemble and disassemble computers, how to set a PC properly, do regular check-ups, how the internet worked, etc...
I use to think that I should study psychology because I enjoyed interacting with people, listening, and understanding them, but then when I started performing as an IT support/lead I felt like I fitted the mold so well, it took me by surprise. Every day I learned something new, steps, processes, and with the help of my peers, I became knowledgeable.
I always try to do what's right and try to follow what my heart longs to achieve, after all, the funny part of being alive, is writing our own story!