Offering 24/7 customer service ensures your customers will get the help they need when they need it, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and a more loyal customer base.
To stay competitive, businesses must prioritize exceptional customer service at every angle through positive interactions, addressing customer needs quickly and effectively, self-help resources, and constantly working to exceed customer expectations.
Let’s explore the benefits of outsourcing, guide you through selecting the right outsourcing partners, and help you integrate outsourced services seamlessly into your existing operations.
Implementing automation in customer service requires some careful planning and execution—doing it wrong or not putting enough thought and effort into it can actually make your customer experience worse.
When comparing omnichannel vs. multichannel support, omnichannel can lead to more effective interactions, but it’s challenging to set up. Let’s take a closer look.
To provide excellent customer service, quality assurance is a vital consideration. We’ll explain why and how you can implement a helpful QA program.
Founder are in search of “yes”. All day. Every day. That’s just how it goes. Whether you’re dealing with a potential cofounder, early employee, investor, or your first batch of customers, you are looking for the elusive “fuck yeah!”
Our friend Mercer Smith-Looper has been mentoring CX Leaders for years. In 2021 she opened the door and started a CX Leaders Peer Group with the goal of having CX Leaders share ideas and learn from each other. In this post she shares the key trends, hopes, fears and dreams that come up during these group sessions.
The other day, I had a really trying conversation with an online retailer. I’d tried to purchase something and, in the crossed wires of COVID-19, the package never arrived.
Customer service management (CSM) refers to how companies facilitate customer interactions. Here’s how your CSM strategy can improve your customer support.
Starting a CX team from scratch? Program Director Kyle Medutis shares three steps to building a solid relationship with product teams and getting customer pain points on the roadmap.
How many times have you canceled a one-on-one with your manager? How many times has your manager postponed yours? How many times have you rescheduled one with an associate?